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Australia's Oldest Internet Diamond Merchant

Jogia Diamonds' Blog

Turning The $50 ASET Into The $1200 Version

July 20th, 2007

The Angular Spectrum Evaluation Tool (ASET) from AGS assesses the cut quality of a diamond in much the same way as the Ideal-Scope, using reflection technology.
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Old Technology vs New Technology

July 19th, 2007

Despite the cost and advancements in technology, gadgets such as proportion analysers and The BrillianceScope still have a margin of error built into them that needs to be verified with old fashioned tools such as micrometers.
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Top 10 Mistakes Made By Diamond Buyers

July 18th, 2007

1. Looking for the cheapest price. The cheapest price will almost always result in the “cheapest” diamond. In addition to that, almost anyone can be undersold. When buying a diamond, it is best to look beyond the price and look at the overall value offered by the vendor.
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Is Buying A Diamond Online Absurd?

July 9th, 2007

In the past two months there have been a couple of reports on Today Tonight – one about buying diamonds online and one about buying meat.
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Quick! Stop Driving Your Cars, Heating Your Home.

July 8th, 2007

Defence Minister Brendan Nelson said on Thursday, oil was a factor in Australia’s contribution to the unpopular war, as “energy security” and stability in the Middle East would be crucial to the nation’s future.
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Making The Case For Re-Certification or Verification

July 2nd, 2007

Re-certification or verification refers to taking a certified diamond to an independent appraiser or laboratory to double check the gradings on the laboratory certificate.
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Cut Is the Least Important of the 4Cs

June 29th, 2007

It’s true, all these tools such as the Ideal-Scope, BrillianceScope and proportion analysers are completely over-rated.
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How Much More Should You Pay For A Full Retail Experience?

June 12th, 2007

In a recent presentation at the JCK trade fair in Las Vegas, Melbourne based jeweller Garry Holloway stated that “We generally get 10 to 15 percent more than the Internet, but we get to keep the customer and get his family too…We see that as a fair trade-off.”
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Our Value Proposition

May 31st, 2007

One of our principles is to sell at the lowest price by keeping our costs low.
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Very Thin Girdles

May 29th, 2007

The GIA will give any round diamond a maximum cut grade of “Very Good” to a diamond with a “Very Thin” girdle.
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